V300 and V500wb
Experimental interface training
On v500wb, v300a and v300b, Vnmrj can operate in two modes: experimental and walkup. This note is a brief instruction for experimental mode.
1. Select the solvent:
After login, start Vnmrj and insert your sample, click “Start” button below the spectrum window. Then click “Standard”. Select your solvent. Click “Setup Hardware” button.
2. Lock the solvent:
Click “Shim” and “Load default shims”. Then click the “lock” button, and click “Find z0”. Wait until lock “on” button turns gray, which means the lock is on.
3. Optimize lock:
Change “Phase” slowly with mouse to maximize the lock level. Move the mouse cursor to “Phase” box, click right mouse button will increase the value, while left for decrease. The middle mouse button is for changing the unit, 1, 10 or 100. Usually ‘10’ is enough. The optimum phase depends on machine and solvent. For CDCl3, the optimum phase is in the following range:
After the lock phase is adjusted correctly, continue as usual.
If the Vnmrj program frozen, open a terminal window and type ‘killall -9 java’.
After Vnmrj disappears, type ‘su acqproc’ on the terminal, reboot console and type ‘su acqproc’ again. When the computer tells you that the machine is ready, restart Vnmrj program.
From menu “Experiments” -> select the experiment you want.
Useful commands:
‘dg’ : display all the parameters. Click “process” -> click “Text Output”.
‘nt=1024’ : set the nymber of scans.
‘time’: see how much time the experiment will take.
‘dps’: display the pulse program.
‘gain=40’: set the receiver gain = 40.