Adjust the lock phase
to get good quality of spectra
Experiments on v500wb, v300a and v300b failed from time to time. The main problem is the lock phase was not set correctly. Correct lock phase is important to make lock reliable and avoid line split. Unfortunately, the lock phase on these machines is sensitive to varieties of parameters such as the solvent, lock power, and console rebooting. At the moment the lock phase for v500wb is in the range 10 ~ 60.
However, it is better to spend additional 2 minutes to re-adjust the lock phase for your sample to get high quality of data.
Please do the following before start select experiment.
1. Select the solvent:
After login, click “Start” button below the spectrum window. Then click “Standard”. Select your solvent. Type ‘su’ in the Vnmrj command line.
2. Lock the solvent:
Click the “lock” button, and click “Find z0”. Wait until lock “on” button turns gray, which means the lock is on.
3. Optimize lock:
Change “Phase” slowly with mouse to maximize the lock level. Move the mouse cursor to “Phase” box, click right mouse button will increase the value, while left for decrease. The middle mouse button is for changing the unit, 1, 10 or 100. Usually ‘10’ is enough.
After the lock phase is adjusted correctly, continue as usual.
If the Vnmrj program frozen, open a terminal window and type ‘killall -9 java’.
After Vnmrj disappears, type ‘su acqproc’ on the terminal, reboot console and type ‘su acqproc’ again. When the computer tells you that the machine is ready, restart Vnmrj program.