![Maldi Detector after nanotube induced arc](https://cbic.yale.edu/sites/default/files/maldi_detector.jpg)
September 19, 2013
June 2012
- The B500b will be offline starting tomorrow to begin the process of de-energizing the magnet to move it to make way for the new 800 MHz magnet due to arrive later this summer. The B500a is filling in and it has a 5mm broadband observe probe installed but it has no automatic tuning and matching. While the B500b is unavailable if you need to to C13 or H1 experiments please contact Eric.
July 2012
- On the morning of July 3rd the instruments in CRB 100 will be unavailable. Electrical work required to install the new 800 MHz magnet and the new staff office space will require an electrical shutdown of the room. Please check the News section or Twitter feed for status reports.
- Work on the site prep for the 800 MHz magnet continues. Remaining is the installation of the quench duct and the pouring of the concrete pad outside for the installation of the compressor needed for the cold probe.
- The re-installation of the B550b is due to begin on July 5th if we can get liquid helium delivered in time.
- The current 800 MHz schedule has the magnet arriving on July 11th and will be installed by a rigging crew. Stop down and watch the event.
- The B500b should be at full field on July 10th and hopefully be back for use a week afterward.
- The B400b has developed gradient shimming problems. It is available for non gradient-based experiments while we are awaiting the necessary parts to repair the problem.